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We work with young people aged 11-25 to help them re-engage with education, find employment or move away from anti-social behaviour, gang involvement and exploitative relationships.

Our Vision

A community where young people can turn adversity into advantage

Welcome to Ignite

We believe in the power of community so we build communities of change around young peoples’ interests and needs. We believe a healthy community draws people to itself, changes individuals and empowers them to impact their environment. Within these communities, positive relationships develop and barriers fall.


A short film. This is the journey of Jordan. Will he be able to overcome adversity and turn it into advantage?

1. Engagement

Making meaningful contact with young people through activity and education-based programmes
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2. Empowerment

Challenging values and behaviour and equipping young people with the tools, resources and opportunities to make positive choices in their current situations
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3. Transformation

Supporting young people to change the direction of their lives away from negative influences and raising aspirations, set goals for the future and support them into long-term transformations
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Questions About the COVID Vaccine

iGNITE took questions about the Covid-19 vaccine from their young people and then got some answers.